Hearn Academy participates in the National School Lunch Program. We are happy to offer breakfast and lunch. It is encouraged to fill out the Free and Reduced Household Application to determine eligibility for lower priced meals for your student. The application for this is located on the bottom of this page.
Cost per meal are: Breakfast $2.00, Lunch $3.25, reduced price breakfast $0.30 & reduced priced lunch is $0.40.
Breakfast and lunch are catered into our school, so it is extremely important that the menu order forms are turned in by the due date. This includes those that are eligible for free and reduced priced meals. Payment is due upon receipt of menu order forms. Payment can be made via cash or check. Credit Card payments may be made through the Hearn Website by selecting Payments > Category> and selecting lunch, then entering information as followed.
Kelly Killmer- Nutrition Services Coordinator
Office: (602) 896-9160
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Executive Order 13166; 7 CFR 246.8(c ); DR 4300-003 6 (c.) and 8 c.(3 ); FNS Instruction 113-1, Sections VII and XII; U.S. Department of Agriculture Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Regarding the Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Persons with Limited English Proficiency, 79 Fed. Reg. 70771, (Nov. 28, 2014) (USDA LEP Policy Guidance); and DOJ LEP Guidance.